Roland Barthes, La camera chiara. Note sulla fotografia

Corine Vermeulen - Smith
Born in Gouda, The Netherlands
Lives and works in Detroit, Michigan
2004 M.F.A. Photography - Cranbook Academy of Art, MI
2001 B.F.A. (Cum Laude) - Graphic Design - Design Academy Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Solo Exhibitions
2008 Diorama's, Museum of New Art, Pontiac, MI
2008 Your Town Tomorrow, Design 99, Hamtramck, MI
2004 Landcruising, The Future Perfect, Brooklyn, NY
2003 Landcruising, Wainger Gallery, Cranbrook Museum of Art, MI
2009 KAID Fellowship, The Kresge Foundation
2003 Project Subsidy,The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB)
2002 Flora Burt merit scholarship, Cranbrook Academy of Art
2001 Project Supsidy,The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB)
2001 René Smeets award, Design Academy Eindhoven
2 commenti:
Grazie della dritta, uno sguardo limpido su una realtà che non lo è affatto.
Grazie a te stefano! Se ti interessa, c'è un bel reportage su Abitare 491, "Vita e morte dei suburbia": lo trovi anche on line. Buona giornata!
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